Automation QA Testing Course Content

Selenium Interview Questions asked for a QE

 Selenium Interview Questions asked for a QE (Part-2):

1)Write a code snippet to take Screenshot in Selenium.
2)How do you find broken links in Selenium?(write the code for this)
3)Now lets say you are new to the company and you need to setup the whole automation framework from scratch and you are free to choose the tool -- What all aspects do you take into consideration and why did you choose this particular tool?(say you choose selenium: they are expecting why selenium and not other tools-- you need to explain the advantages and what special is it offering that the other tools dont)
4)How did you implement automation framework in your previous company and explain how the whole thing was structured?
5)Why Page object model? What are the advantages of using that approach?
6)Can you automate captcha in Selenium?
7)Can you automate desktop based pop up in Selenium? (No-- Selenium supports only web based, we can use some third party tools like AutoIt etc)
8)How do you handle dynamic web elements in Selenium?
9)How would you test a webpage where content is dynamically loaded as the user scrolls down the page?
10)You're tasked with testing a web application that integrates with external APIs (e.g., payment gateways, social media APIs). How would you approach testing this integration using Selenium?
11)How would you automate testing to ensure the web application works correctly across different browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari)?
12)lets consider this scenario, you will go to Google and type "test" and you need to select testing in the dropdown, but each time the position of testing changes, how will you handle this scenario?
13)In your previous org, how did you generate reports and what kind of reporting did you do? (Like extent reports etc)
14)Did you integrate your framework to CI/CD pipeline and how did you do it?
15)You are given a scenario with automating the selection of a departure date on a travel booking website using Selenium WebDriver. How would you approach this task?

Interview Questions for Test Automation Engineers

1) How do you use Map Collections in your Selenium Project (Give some examples) ?
2) Can we have duplicate key value in HashMap?
3) How do you select the drivers to launch a URL?
4) Explain the concept of Object Repository?
5) How to fetch an element when its attributes are changing frequently?
6) There are four browser windows opened and you don’t have any idea where the required element is present. What will be your approach to find that element? Also write down the code logic
7) If a page contains 1000 images, how can you fetch 100th image?
8) What will this Java code print: String x = “Latest version”; String y = “of Selenium”; int z = 3; System.out.println(“We are learning Selenium”+” and the “+x+” “+y+” is “+z); ?
9) How can you determine if String has all Unique Characters?
10) How to convert String to integer without using any direct method
in Java.
11) Can you arrange the below testng.xml tags from parent to child?
12) How we can retrieve the dynamically changing Ids?
13) How can you handle multipart requests using Rest Assured?
14) How do you handle response headers in Rest Assured tests?
15) How can you handle authentication using OAuth 2.0 in Rest Assured?
16) How do you run a Maven build in parallel?
17) What must be checked when performing API testing?
18) How is a Web Service different from an API?
19) Why do we need HTTPS, when HTTP is present?
20) Why do mocks and stubs not be used in End to End Testing?

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