Automation QA Testing Course Content

GitHub Actions


What is an example of a task you have automated using Github Actions?

Ans)Using Github Actions you can automate virtually any tasks. Example includes automating software builds, running tests, deploy to staging or production environments, generate database migrations and many more..

To give a specific example, we can automate a software build. First create a workflow file in the root of repository. The file should contain build instructions written in YAML.

For Example, here is an example for building a node.js app 

name: Node CI
on: push
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Use Node.js
      uses: actions/setup-node@v1
         node-version: 12.x
    - run: npm ci
    - run: npm run build

In this workflow we define a job named "build" that executes on ubuntu linux and runs the command snecessary to build a Node.js application. In our case the two commands are "npm ci" and "npm run build". The former command installs the required dependencies and while the latter actually builds the application.

Once this workflow has been configured, it can be triggered whenever a change pushed to the repository.  Each time this happens, Github actions will execute the configured commands and run the build process.

GitHub Actions provides an easy and powerful way to automate tasks in your GitHub repositories, and the examples provided above are just a small portion of what is possible. With a few simple steps, you can easily configure powerful workflows to automate common tasks such as software builds and deployments.

What experience do you have with Github Actions?

Ans)I have experience in setting up Github actions for various automation tasks, such as building and deploying apps. for example we can setup a Github Action to build an application and then deploy it to the cloud service provider like AWS.

Here is an example of a Github Action that builds a Node.js application:
name: Node.js CI
on: [push]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Use Node.js
      uses: actions/setup-node@v1
        node-version: '12.x'
    - run: npm install
    - run: npm test
    - run: npm run build 
    - run: npm deploy

With this Github Action, Any time code is pushed to the github repository, Node.js application will be built, tested and deployed automatically. This saves time and eliminates manual effort in the development process.  

How would you handle an unexpected error while running a Github Action?

An unexpected error while running a Github Action can be handled using the following three-step process:

1. The first step is to identify the root cause of the error. This can be done by looking through the log files and diagnostic information generated by the action.
2. Once the root cause of the error is identified, the next step is to craft an appropriate solution such that the action can continue executing without any issues. Depending on the error, this could involve updating the configuration parameters of the action, tweaking the code, or modifying the service or environment in which the action is running.
3. Finally, it is important to thoroughly test the solution before deploying it. This can be done by running the action in a test environment and verifying that the expected output is obtained.

A sample code snippet for handling unexpected errors in a Github action is provided below:
try {
    // main code logic here
} catch (Error e) {
    // Identify cause of error
    // Craft appropriate solution
    // Test solution

How do you debug failed Github Actions?

Debugging failed Github Actions can be a challenging task. The best approach is to first analyze the error message that you receive and look for clues as to what may have caused the failure. You can then try to identify the root cause of the issue by running debugging commands, such as 'git status', 'git log' and 'git diff'. Additionally, you can use the GitHub Actions logs to help you trace issues and identify possible solutions.

To narrow down issues, you can also start with the configuration settings for the job and create smaller scripts that test each variable before rerunning the action. If further examination is needed, you should consider using a debugging framework such as the GitHub Actions Toolkit to help debug your code.

The following code snippet can be used as a starting point for debugging GitHub Actions:
// Get the job's execution ID
  const executionId = github.context.runId;
  // Get the job's log
  const jobLog = await github.actions.getJobLog({
    owner: github.context.repo.owner,
    repo: github.context.repo.repo,
    job_id: executionId
Once you have identified the root cause of the issue, you can implement changes accordingly and rerun the job to verify that the issue has been resolved.

Describe a time when a Github Action you created saved you time and energy.

One of the most valuable Github Actions I created is an automated process for creating a daily changelog. This Action saved me an immense amount of time and effort, allowing me to focus on more important matters.

Originally, I was manually creating a changelog every day by aggregating data from various sources, such as my commit history, bug tracking systems, and issue trackers. It was a very tedious and time-consuming task.

To automate this process, I created a GitHub Action that uses an open-source Node.js library called "gitlogger" to retrieve my commit history and other data from various sources. I then used the results to create a JSON file with a comprehensive list of all the changes made in the past day.

The code snippet for my Action is provided below. By running this Action daily, I am able to save time and energy in creating my changelog, allowing me to focus more resources on other tasks.

const gitlogger = require("gitlogger")

// Setup the options for the git logger
const options = {
  author: '<YOUR_GIT_HUB_USERNAME>',
  since: '1d' // Limit it to last day

// Get the commits and other info
const log = gitlogger(options);

// Create a json file with all the changelog data
fs.writeFileSync("changelog.json", JSON.stringify(log))

what are the challenges while migrating from jenkins to GithubActions?

Migrating from Jenkins to GitHub Actions can bring several challenges, despite both being CI/CD tools. Here are some common challenges you might face:

  1. Workflow Definition: GitHub Actions uses YAML-based workflow definitions, which may differ significantly from Jenkinsfile syntax. Migrating existing Jenkins pipelines to GitHub Actions workflows requires understanding and adapting to this new syntax.

  2. Plugin Compatibility: Jenkins has a vast plugin ecosystem, and some functionalities provided by Jenkins plugins may not have direct equivalents in GitHub Actions. You may need to find alternative solutions or custom workflows.

  3. Integration with External Tools: If your Jenkins pipelines rely heavily on integrations with external tools or services, you'll need to ensure that similar integrations are available and easily configurable in GitHub Actions.

  4. Environment Setup: Setting up and managing the execution environment for GitHub Actions workflows may differ from Jenkins. You'll need to understand how GitHub Actions manages environments and dependencies.

  5. Build Agents: GitHub Actions provides virtual environments for running workflows, which may have different capabilities and limitations compared to Jenkins build agents. You may need to adjust your workflows accordingly.

  6. Execution Limits: GitHub Actions has limits on the number of concurrent workflows and the total execution time for a workflow. You may need to adjust your workflows to accommodate these limits.

  7. Migration Process: Migrating existing Jenkins pipelines to GitHub Actions can be a time-consuming process, especially for complex pipelines. You'll need to plan the migration carefully to minimize downtime and ensure a smooth transition.

Despite these challenges, migrating from Jenkins to GitHub Actions can bring benefits such as tighter integration with GitHub repositories, simpler setup and configuration, and access to a modern CI/CD platform with a growing ecosystem of integrations and features.


how do we define Runner in GithubActions?

In GitHub Actions, a runner is a machine (physical, virtual, or container) on which jobs are executed. Runners can be hosted by GitHub (GitHub-hosted runners) or self-hosted on your own infrastructure (self-hosted runners). Here's how you define a runner in GitHub Actions:

GitHub-Hosted Runners

GitHub provides virtual machines to serve as runners for your workflows. These runners come pre-installed with commonly used software and tools. To use a GitHub-hosted runner, you specify it in your workflow file using the runs-on key:

jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Run tests run: | npm install npm test

In this example, the runs-on key specifies that the job should run on an Ubuntu GitHub-hosted runner.

Self-Hosted Runners

Self-hosted runners are machines that you set up and manage in your own environment. To use a self-hosted runner, you need to register it with your repository and then specify it in your workflow file:

  1. Register the Runner:

    • Go to your repository in GitHub.
    • Navigate to "Settings" > "Actions" > "Add runner."
    • Follow the instructions to download and configure the runner on your machine.
  2. Specify the Runner in Workflow:

    • In your workflow file, specify the runner using the runs-on key, along with the label you assigned to the runner during registration:
    jobs: build: runs-on: self-hosted steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Run tests run: | npm install npm test

In this example, self-hosted is the label assigned to the self-hosted runner during registration.

By defining runners in your GitHub Actions workflows, you can control where and how your jobs are executed, allowing you to tailor the execution environment to your specific requirements.


what is the diference between job and steps?

In GitHub Actions, a job is a unit of work that contains a sequence of steps. Each job runs in a separate environment and can be configured to run on specific conditions or triggers. On the other hand, a step is an individual task that is part of a job. Steps are the building blocks of a job and represent a specific action, such as checking out code, running a script, or deploying an application.

Here are the key differences between a job and steps in GitHub Actions:

  1. Job:

    • A job is a collection of steps that are executed sequentially on the same runner.
    • Jobs can run in parallel or sequentially, depending on the configuration.
    • Each job runs in a clean environment and can have its own settings, such as the operating system, environment variables, and resources (e.g., CPU, memory).
    • Jobs can be used to organize related tasks or to run tasks that require different environments or configurations.
  2. Steps:

    • Steps are individual tasks that are part of a job and define the actions to be performed.
    • Steps are executed sequentially, and each step must complete successfully for the next step to run.
    • Steps can include actions (pre-built tasks provided by GitHub or the community) or shell commands to be executed.
    • Steps can define conditions for execution, such as only running on specific branches or when certain conditions are met.

In summary, a job represents a unit of work that can contain multiple steps, each defining a specific task or action to be executed. Jobs allow you to organize and control the execution of tasks in your GitHub Actions workflows.


if i want to pass the data between the steps in a job? is it possible then how?

Yes, it is possible to pass data between steps in a job in GitHub Actions. You can use output variables from one step and input variables in another step to achieve this. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Set an Output Variable in a Step: Use the ::set-output command to set an output variable in a step. For example, to set an output variable named myVar:

    - name: Set output variable id: set_output run: echo "::set-output name=myVar::some-value"
  2. Use the Output Variable in Another Step: Use the ${{ steps.step_id.outputs.output_name }} syntax to reference the output variable from another step. For example, to use the myVar output variable set in the previous step:

    - name: Use output variable run: echo "Output variable value is ${{ steps.set_output.outputs.myVar }}"

Here's a complete example to illustrate passing data between steps in a job:

jobs: my_job: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Set output variable id: set_output run: echo "::set-output name=myVar::some-value" - name: Use output variable run: echo "Output variable value is ${{ steps.set_output.outputs.myVar }}"

In this example, the output variable myVar is set in the first step and then used in the second step to print its value.


what is meant by GithubActions metrics?

In the context of GitHub Actions, metrics refer to various measurements and statistics related to the performance and usage of workflows and actions within GitHub Actions. These metrics provide insights into how your CI/CD pipelines are performing, how often workflows are triggered, and other relevant data that can help you understand and optimize your workflows.

Some common metrics in GitHub Actions include:

  1. Workflow Run Metrics:

    • Total Runs: The total number of times a workflow has been executed.
    • Average Run Time: The average duration of each workflow run.
    • Trigger Type: The distribution of workflow runs by trigger type (e.g., push, pull request, schedule).
  2. Job Metrics:

    • Job Success Rate: The percentage of jobs that completed successfully.
    • Job Failure Rate: The percentage of jobs that failed to complete.
  3. Action Usage Metrics:

    • Most Used Actions: The actions that are used most frequently in your workflows.
    • Action Performance: Metrics related to the performance of actions, such as average execution time.
  4. Resource Usage Metrics:

    • Resource Consumption: Metrics related to the consumption of resources (e.g., CPU, memory) by your workflows.
  5. Repository and Workflow Metrics:

    • Workflow Triggers: The distribution of workflow runs by trigger type and frequency.
    • Workflow Concurrency: The number of workflows running concurrently.

GitHub provides these metrics through the GitHub Actions dashboard and API, allowing you to monitor and analyze the performance of your workflows and actions. By leveraging these metrics, you can identify bottlenecks, optimize your workflows, and improve your overall CI/CD process.


consider a scenario in which a performance of a workflow is reducing? in order to improve what kind of measurements need to take?

When the performance of a workflow is reducing, it's essential to identify the root cause and take measurements to improve it. Here are some key measurements and steps you can take to improve the performance of a workflow:

  1. Identify Bottlenecks: Use metrics such as workflow run time, job execution time, and resource consumption to identify any bottlenecks in your workflow. Look for steps or actions that are taking longer than expected.

  2. Optimize Steps and Actions: Review the steps and actions in your workflow to identify opportunities for optimization. This could include reducing unnecessary steps, parallelizing tasks, or optimizing the code within actions.

  3. Reduce Resource Consumption: If your workflow is consuming a lot of resources, consider ways to reduce resource usage. This could include optimizing resource-intensive tasks or using more efficient resource configurations.

  4. Review Dependencies: If your workflow relies on external dependencies, such as third-party services or APIs, ensure that these dependencies are not causing performance issues. Consider caching dependencies or optimizing their usage.

  5. Monitor and Iterate: After making changes to your workflow, monitor the performance metrics to see if there is an improvement. Iterate on your optimizations until you achieve the desired performance improvements.

  6. Use GitHub Actions Insights: Utilize GitHub Actions Insights, which provides detailed metrics and visualizations to help you understand the performance of your workflows. Look for patterns or trends that could indicate areas for improvement.

  7. Consider Parallelization: If your workflow has multiple independent tasks, consider parallelizing them to reduce overall execution time. GitHub Actions supports parallel jobs, which can help speed up workflows.

By taking these measurements and steps, you can identify and address performance issues in your workflows, leading to faster and more efficient CI/CD processes.

if i want to customize the logging or output of the GithubActions steps how can i do that?

You can customize the logging or output of GitHub Actions steps using various techniques, including setting custom environment variables, using special syntax for outputting messages, and leveraging GitHub Actions' logging commands. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Setting Custom Environment Variables: You can set custom environment variables in one step and use them in subsequent steps to customize the output. For example:

    - name: Set custom environment variable run: echo "##[set-env name=MY_VAR]custom-value" - name: Use custom environment variable run: echo "Custom value is $MY_VAR"
  2. Outputting Messages: You can use special syntax to output messages with different levels of verbosity. For example, to output a debug message:

    - name: Output debug message run: echo "##[debug]This is a debug message"
  3. Logging Commands: GitHub Actions provides logging commands that allow you to customize the output format and style. For example, you can set the color of a message:

    - name: Set message color run: echo "::error::This is an error message"

    You can also group messages together using logging commands:

    - name: Group messages run: | echo "::group::Group title" echo "Message 1" echo "Message 2" echo "::endgroup::"
  4. Using Actions: There are actions available in the GitHub Marketplace that allow you to further customize the logging and output of your workflows. For example, the actions/github-script action allows you to run JavaScript code to customize the output.

By using these techniques, you can customize the logging and output of your GitHub Actions steps to provide more meaningful information and improve the readability of your workflows.

what is meant by GithubActions matrix?

In GitHub Actions, a matrix is a feature that allows you to run multiple job configurations in parallel. This is particularly useful for testing your code across different environments, versions, or configurations without needing to write separate workflows for each combination.

How Matrix Works

  1. Define the Matrix: In your workflow YAML file, you define a matrix with different combinations of variables. Each combination is run as a separate job.

  2. Matrix Variables: These can include different versions of programming languages, operating systems, dependencies, or any other variable that you want to test against.


Here's an example of a GitHub Actions workflow that uses a matrix to test a Node.js project across different versions of Node.js and operating systems:

name: Node.js CI on: [push, pull_request] jobs: build: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} strategy: matrix: node-version: [10, 12, 14] os: [ubuntu-latest, windows-latest, macos-latest] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }} uses: actions/setup-node@v2 with: node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }} - run: npm install - run: npm test

Breakdown of the Example

  1. Trigger: The workflow is triggered on push and pull_request events.
  2. Job Definition: A job named build is defined.
  3. Matrix Configuration:
    • node-version: Defines Node.js versions 10, 12, and 14.
    • os: Defines the operating systems Ubuntu, Windows, and macOS.
  4. Job Steps:
    • actions/checkout@v2: Checks out the repository.
    • actions/setup-node@v2: Sets up the specified Node.js version.
    • npm install: Installs dependencies.
    • npm test: Runs tests.

This matrix configuration results in 9 jobs being run in parallel (3 Node.js versions * 3 operating systems).

Benefits of Using Matrix

  • Comprehensive Testing: Ensures your code works across different environments.
  • Efficiency: Saves time by running multiple jobs in parallel.
  • Flexibility: Easily add or remove configurations without changing the overall structure.

Advanced Matrix Features

  • Exclude Specific Combinations: You can exclude certain combinations if they are not relevant or known to fail.
strategy: matrix: node-version: [10, 12, 14] os: [ubuntu-latest, windows-latest, macos-latest] exclude: - os: windows-latest node-version: 10
  • Include Additional Combinations: You can include specific combinations that might not be covered by the basic matrix definition.
strategy: matrix: node-version: [10, 12, 14] os: [ubuntu-latest, windows-latest, macos-latest] include: - node-version: 16 os: ubuntu-latest

Using a matrix in GitHub Actions allows you to streamline your CI/CD process and ensure robustness across multiple environments with minimal configuration effort.

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