Automation QA Testing Course Content

Webdriver - WebElement Methods

 WebElement Methods:

 1)click():it is used to click on link, button,checkbox,listbox and radio button

WebElement elename=driver.findElement(By.locator("locatorvalue"));;
 2)submit():it is used to submit the buttons/on editbox (forms)

 3)sendKeys("value"):it is used to type the value in a editbox
 //typing the firstname editbox value

 4)clear():it is used to clear the content in the editbox

 5)how to select an option from dropdown
 //1)identify the dropdown and assign it to a WebElement type varaible
 WebElement dropdownnameref=driver.findElement(By.locator("locatorvalue"));

 //2)fetch all the dropdown options using findElements API and
 tagName -option and store in List type collection

 //for(datatype varname:collectionname){}
 for(WebElement o:opts){
 //print each dropdown option text

 //select it;
5)how to select an option from listbox
 //1)identify thelistbox and assign it to a WebElement type varaible
 WebElement listbox=driver.findElement(By.locator("locatorvalue"));

 //2)fetch all the listbox options using findElements API and
 tagName -li and store in List type collection

 //for(datatype varname:collectionname){}
 for(WebElement o:optionsList){
 //print each listbox option text

 //select it;

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