Automation QA Testing Course Content

WebDriver findElement() Methods

findElement(By.locator("locatorvalue")):it finds the first webelement in a webpage based on the given locator
//datatype elementname=webdriverfindelementmethod();
WebElement elelementName=driver.findElement(By.locator("locatorvalue"));
WebElement is an interface, it is a datatype for the webelements
Note:findElement always returns WebElement type element

WebElement signin_link=driver.findElement(By.linkText("Sign in"));

WebElement search_btn=driver.findElement(By.className("newsrchbtn"));

findElements(By.locator("locatorvalue")):it finds all 
elements in a current page based on given locator and stores in a list type collection
returns collection type List

how can you fetch all elements from particular element/section;?

1)identify the element/section
WebElement elementname=driver.findElement(By.localtor("locatorvalue"));

2)fetch all webelements from particular element(step 1)

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