Automation QA Testing Course Content

Kafka Interview Questions Answers


  1. What is Kafka, Why do we use it?
  2. Explain some Key Features of Kafka?
  3. What are the Topics and Partitions in Kafka?
  4. What are Producer, Consumer and Consumer Group?
  5. How does Kafka divide the load between different partitions?
  6. How many consumers we can have if we are consuming from one topic?
  7. What is Lag?
  8. What causes the lag and how can we fix it?
  9. How can we improve the performance if we have a limited number of consumers?
  10. What is Broker or Kafka Broker?
  11. What is meant by fault tolerance? How does Kafka handle failures?
  12. Why the number of consumers is generally odd?
  13. Explain some use cases of Kafka?
  14. Difference between Kafka and RabbitMQ?
  15. What is the replication factor in Kafka?
  16. What is offSet?
  17. What is a zookeeper and how does it work?
  18. How does Kafka help in developing microservice-based applications?
  19. What is the Leader election algorithm?
  20. How does load balancing happen in Kafka?

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