Automation QA Testing Course Content

ManualTesting Interview Qs and Answers


briefly introduce yourself in interview for selenium automation testing and manual testing position?

Hi, my name is [Name] and I am excited to be interviewing for the Selenium automation and manual testing position. I have a strong background in quality assurance and have experience in both automated and manual testing. I have been using Selenium for the past [X] years to create and maintain automated tests for web applications. In addition, I have experience performing manual testing, including functional, regression, and integration testing. I have a deep understanding of the software development life cycle and am comfortable working closely with the development team to ensure the delivery of high-quality software. I am confident in my ability to contribute to the success of the team and am looking forward to the opportunity to learn and grow with the organization

what are roles and responsibilities of Functional Tester?

A functional tester is responsible for testing the functionality of software to ensure it is working as intended. This typically involves creating test cases based on the requirements and design of the software, and executing those test cases to verify that the software behaves as expected. The functional tester may also be responsible for identifying and documenting defects found during testing, and working with the development team to resolve those defects. Other responsibilities may include maintaining and updating the test cases and test data, and collaborating with other testers and developers to ensure that the software meets the needs of the end users.

what are tester roles and responsibilities in agile methodology?

In an agile development environment, the role of a tester may be somewhat different from that in a more traditional development methodology. Agile methodologies place a strong emphasis on rapid iteration and continuous delivery, and as such, testers are expected to be highly collaborative and adaptive. Some specific roles and responsibilities of a tester in an agile environment may include:

  1. Collaborating with the development team: Testers in an agile environment often work closely with developers to understand the requirements and design of the application, and to identify and report any issues that are discovered during testing.

  2. Participating in the sprint planning process: Testers may be involved in the planning of each sprint, helping to identify the test cases and scenarios that need to be covered and the resources that will be needed to perform the testing.

  3. Performing manual and automated testing: Testers may be responsible for executing both manual and automated tests to validate the functionality and performance of the application.

  4. Reporting and tracking defects: Testers may be responsible for identifying and documenting any defects or issues that are discovered during testing, and for tracking the progress of those defects through to resolution.

  5. Providing feedback to the development team: Testers may provide feedback to the development team on the quality and usability of the application, as well as suggestions for improvement.

  6. Participating in daily stand-up meetings: Testers may participate in daily stand-up meetings with the development team to discuss progress, challenges, and any issues that need to be addressed.

Overall, the roles and responsibilities of a tester in an agile environment are focused on ensuring the quality and effectiveness of the software application or system being developed, and on collaborating with the development team to continuously improve the product.

what are roles and responsibilities of automation tester?

Automation testers are responsible for designing and implementing automated tests to validate the software is functioning as intended. Some specific responsibilities of an automation tester may include:

  1. Analyzing the software requirements to determine what can be automated
  2. Designing and creating test cases for automation
  3. Implementing automated tests using a test automation tool
  4. Debugging and maintaining the automated test scripts
  5. Analyzing test results and reporting on any issues or defects found during testing
  6. Participating in code reviews to ensure that the code being developed is of high quality and meets the requirements
  7. Collaborating with other team members, such as developers and manual testers, to ensure that the software is tested thoroughly and all issues are identified and addressed.

In addition to these responsibilities, automation testers may also be responsible for writing and maintaining documentation, such as test plans and test reports, and for training other team members on how to use the test automation tools

if there is a bug, still you move the build to production?

It is generally not a good idea to move a build with a known bug to production. Doing so can cause problems for users and may result in negative consequences for the company, such as lost trust, decreased productivity, and financial losses.

Before moving a build to production, it is important to thoroughly test the build to ensure that it is stable and free of bugs. If a bug is discovered during testing, it should be fixed before the build is deployed to production. If it is not possible to fix the bug before the build needs to be deployed, it may be necessary to temporarily disable the affected feature or to provide a workaround until a permanent fix can be implemented.

In general, it is important to prioritize the quality and stability of the software being deployed to production. This may involve additional testing and debugging efforts, but the benefits of having reliable software outweigh the costs of these efforts.

Bug release?

In the context of manual testing, a bug release refers to the release of a new version of a software application or system that includes bug fixes. The manual testing process may involve testing the application or system to verify that the bug fixes have been correctly implemented and that the application or system is functioning correctly.

Bug Leakage?

Bug leakage refers to the occurrence of bugs in a software application or system that were not detected during the testing process and were released to production. This can happen when bugs are not identified during the testing phase, or when they are identified but not properly addressed before the application or system is released

 Key Responsibilities for Resume:

  • Contribute to an Agile/Scrum functional team as an embedded SDET (Software Developer Engineer in Test)
  • Contributing early on in the feature requirements, helping to drive quality aspects of feature development
  • Advocate for high-quality development patterns, code quality, and testing tools throughout the organization
  • Working with a functional team as a quality ambassador, helping the team identify necessary test coverage, test plans, test cases, and test automation
  • Automate manual test cases within a sprint
  • Categorizing tests for smoke, regression, and feature testing
  • Actively involved in CI/CD pipelines delivery from a testing aspect
  • Implement and improve monitoring, logging, and alerting
  • Experience with reporting and analytic tools for software troubleshooting
  • Bug reports communicating issues to the team
  • Apply software quality best practices and procedures to design, influence, and drive the quality and testability of software
  • Up to speed on the latest industry quality trends and toolsets
  • Leverage concurrent testing strategies to deliver valuable insights as quickly as possible
  • Help drive quality best practices in functional teams and also to the wider engineering
  • Apply software quality best practices and procedures to design, influence, and drive the quality and testability of software
  • Execute all components of product testing such as functional, regression, end-to-end testing, performance, and load testing

How do you test text boxes without changing their backgrounds?

  1. Verify that the text box displays correctly: You can test the appearance of the text box by verifying that it is displayed correctly on the page, with the correct size, font, color, and other formatting.

  2. Test the text input and output: You can test the text input and output of the text box by entering different types of text, such as long and short strings, special characters, and numbers, and verifying that the text is displayed correctly within the text box and is handled correctly by the application.

  3. Test the text box's interactivity: You can test the interactivity of the text box by verifying that the cursor can be placed within the text box, that text can be selected and edited, and that the text box responds to other actions such as copying and pasting text.

  4. Test the text box's validation: If the text box has any validation rules, such as requiring a certain minimum or maximum number of characters, you can test these rules by entering text that should and should not meet the validation criteria and verifying that the text box behaves correctly.

  5. the text box's accessibility: You can test the accessibility of the text box by verifying that it can be used with assistive technologies such as screen readers, and that it meets other accessibility standards such as having sufficient contrast and being keyboard-navigable.

If the proper documentation for testing does not exist, what will you do?

There might be a situation wherein proper documentation is not available for test cases and still the tester is required to execute the test case. In such a situation, the tester might refer to some earlier mail provided by the client which describes all the requirements clearly. Additionally, he might also refer to the screenshots where the details of the changes are mentioned or any verbal communication with the client which would help to understand the exact functionality of the changes needed. 

12. How can a tester decide that a product is ready to be moved into the live environment?

The decision to move a product into the live environment is a crucial one. It is jointly undertaken by testers, developers as well as the higher management. Thus, they do take certain things into consideration in order to ensure that the product delivery is bugless. 

  • Validation of bug reports handed over by the testers. It specifies the way in which the bug got resolved and whether retesting was performed by the tester
  • Validation of the entire set of test cases which were written by the tester for that specific documentation and functionality
  • Execute automated test cases for making sure that new functionalities do not hamper the existing ones
  • Validation of test coverage report which is important to ensure the coverage of all developing components

What are the qualities of a good bug report?

The elements of a good bug report are:

  • It should elaborate on a single problem and should provide precise, clear and relevant information
  • It should provide a descriptive summary of the bug
  • Along with providing environment information, it should include the steps for reproducing the bug
  • It should also provide information on the real and expected behavior of the bug

What is Exploratory and Ad hoc Testing?

  • Exploratory Testing: Under this type of testing, the tester does not have knowledge of the requirements and they carry out the test simply on the basis of exploring the functionalities of an application. Exploratory testing is executed by domain experts. 
  • Ad hoc Testing: This type of testing fall under the category of informal testing. It is executed without any prior documentation or planning or adherence to any specific test design technique. They are conducted randomly when testers have good amount of knowledge about the Application Under Test (AUT). There are no expected results or business requirement document or test cases. 
what are different type of bugs you found in manual testing ?

There are many different types of bugs that can be found during manual testing of a software application or system. Some common examples include:

  1. Functionality bugs: These bugs involve issues with the application's functionality, such as incorrect or unexpected results, incorrect calculations, or incorrect behavior.

  2. User interface bugs: These bugs involve issues with the application's user interface, such as incorrect layout, missing or incorrect text or graphics, or incorrect behavior of buttons or other controls.

  3. Compatibility bugs: These bugs involve issues with the application's compatibility with different operating systems, browsers, or devices.

  4. Performance bugs: These bugs involve issues with the application's performance, such as slow response times, instability, or errors during high load or stress conditions.

  5. Security bugs: These bugs involve vulnerabilities or weaknesses in the application's security, such as lack of proper authentication or authorization controls, or vulnerabilities to attacks such as cross-site scripting (XSS) or SQL injection.

  6. Usability bugs: These bugs involve issues with the application's usability, such as confusing or difficult-to-use interfaces, or problems with navigation or user flow.

What is a Test Strategy?

A test strategy is a plan that outlines the approach and resources that will be used to test a software application or system. It typically includes the following elements:

  1. Objectives: The test strategy should outline the goals and objectives of the testing effort, such as identifying defects, verifying that the application meets specified requirements, or evaluating the application's performance or usability.

  2. Scope: The test strategy should define the scope of the testing effort, including the specific features and functionality that will be tested, and any constraints or limitations that may affect the testing process.

  3. Approach: The test strategy should describe the overall approach that will be used to test the application, including the types of testing that will be performed (such as manual testing, automated testing, or performance testing), the tools and techniques that will be used, and the roles and responsibilities of the testing team.

  4. Deliverables: The test strategy should outline the deliverables that will be produced as a result of the testing effort, such as test plans, test cases, defect reports, and test summaries.

  5. Resources: The test strategy should identify the resources that will be needed to perform the testing, including the personnel, equipment, and other resources that will be required.

  6. Schedule: The test strategy should include a schedule that outlines the timing and sequence of the testing activities, as well as any dependencies or milestones that need to be met.

Overall, the test strategy provides a roadmap for the testing effort and helps to ensure that the testing process is well-planned and effective.

What is a TestPlan?

A test plan is a document that outlines the approach, resources, and schedule for testing a software application or system. It is a detailed, comprehensive document that describes the testing strategy and the specific steps that will be taken to test the application.

A test plan typically includes the following elements:

  1. Introduction: The introduction of the test plan should provide an overview of the testing effort, including the purpose and objectives of the testing, the scope of the testing, and the overall approach that will be taken.

  2. Test items: The test plan should list the specific features and functionality that will be tested, along with any constraints or limitations that may affect the testing process.

  3. Test environment: The test plan should describe the hardware, software, and other resources that will be used to perform the testing, including any special requirements or configurations.

  4. Test approach: The test plan should describe the overall approach that will be taken to test the application, including the types of testing that will be performed (such as manual testing, automated testing, or performance testing), the tools and techniques that will be used, and the roles and responsibilities of the testing team.

  5. Test cases: The test plan should list the specific test cases that will be executed, along with the expected results and any special instructions or considerations.

  6. Test schedule: The test plan should include a schedule that outlines the timing and sequence of the testing activities, as well as any dependencies or milestones that need to be met.

  7. Risks and contingencies: The test plan should identify any potential risks or issues that may arise during the testing process, and describe any contingency plans that have been put in place to address those risks.

Overall, the test plan serves as a blueprint for the testing effort and helps to ensure that the testing process is well-organized and effective.

what is the difference between agile and waterfall model?

Agile and waterfall are two different approaches to software development. The main differences between the two approaches are:

  1. Iterative vs. linear: Agile development follows an iterative process, where the project is divided into small increments called sprints, and new features are developed and released in each sprint. Waterfall development follows a linear process, where the project is divided into distinct phases, and each phase must be completed before the next one can begin.

  2. Emphasis on flexibility vs. predictability: Agile development places a strong emphasis on flexibility and adaptability, and encourages frequent communication and collaboration between team members. Waterfall development places a strong emphasis on predictability and control, and follows a more structured and formal process.

  3. Emphasis on customer involvement vs. requirements gathering: Agile development emphasizes continuous customer involvement throughout the development process, and encourages the development team to be responsive to changes in customer needs and requirements. Waterfall development emphasizes thorough requirements gathering at the beginning of the project, and follows a more rigid process for managing and documenting requirements.

  4. Testing and quality assurance: In agile development, testing and quality assurance are integrated into the development process and occur throughout the project. In waterfall development, testing and quality assurance are typically performed at the end of the project, after all the requirements have been implemented.

Overall, the choice of agile or waterfall depends on the specific needs and goals of the project, and the characteristics of the team and organization. Both approaches have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the appropriate approach will depend on the context and requirements of the project

what are different agile scrum activities?

Agile development methodologies, such as Scrum, are based on the principles of continuous iteration and collaboration. The main activities in Scrum include:

  1. Sprint planning: This is a meeting that occurs at the beginning of each sprint, where the development team plans the work that will be completed during the sprint.

  2. Daily stand-up: This is a daily meeting where team members provide a brief update on their progress and any issues or blockers they are facing.

  3. Sprint review: This is a meeting that occurs at the end of each sprint, where the development team demonstrates the work that has been completed to stakeholders and solicits feedback.

  4. Sprint retrospective: This is a meeting that occurs at the end of each sprint, where the development team reviews the progress and effectiveness of the sprint, and identifies areas for improvement.

  5. Backlog grooming: This is a meeting where the development team reviews and updates the product backlog, which is a prioritized list of features and functionality that need to be developed.

  6. Product demo: This is a demonstration of the product to stakeholders, where the development team showcases the new features and functionality that have been implemented.

These are the main activities in Scrum, but there may be other activities that are specific to the needs and goals of the project. The key principles of Scrum are flexibility, collaboration, and continuous iteration, and the activities and processes of the Scrum framework are designed to support these principles

What is the Testing process in your company?

In general, the testing process for a software application or system may include the following steps:

  1. Planning: This involves identifying the testing objectives, scope, approach, and resources that will be needed to test the application. This may include creating a test strategy and test plan, as well as identifying the specific test cases and scenarios that will be covered.

  2. Preparation: This involves setting up the test environment, including configuring the hardware and software that will be used to perform the testing, and preparing any necessary test data or test scripts.

  3. Execution: This involves performing the actual testing, which may include manual testing, automated testing, or a combination of both. This may involve executing the test cases and scenarios that have been identified in the test plan, and verifying that the application behaves as expected.

  4. Reporting and tracking: This involves documenting any defects or issues that are discovered during testing, and tracking the progress of those defects through to resolution. This may include creating defect reports and maintaining a defect tracking system.

  5. Analysis: This involves analyzing the results of the testing, including identifying any trends or patterns in the defects that were discovered, and determining the overall quality and readiness of the application for release.

  6. Release: This involves releasing the application to production, which may involve coordinating with other teams or departments to deploy the application and ensure that it is functioning correctly.

This is a general outline of the testing process, and the specific steps and activities may vary depending on the characteristics and requirements of the application being tested and the company's testing practices.

Difference between severity and Priority?

Severity and priority are two terms that are often used in the context of software testing to describe the impact and importance of defects or issues that are discovered during testing

Severity refers to the level of impact that a defect has on the functionality of the application. Defects are typically classified as low, medium, or high severity based on the extent to which they affect the application. For example, a defect that causes the application to crash would be classified as high severity, while a defect that has a minor cosmetic issue would be classified as low severity.

Priority refers to the importance or urgency of fixing a defect. Defects are typically classified as low, medium, or high priority based on how quickly they need to be addressed. For example, a defect that affects a critical feature of the application might be classified as high priority, while a defect that affects a minor or non-critical feature might be classified as low priority.

Overall, severity and priority are two important considerations when managing defects during the testing process. Severity helps to determine the impact of the defect on the application, while priority helps to determine the priority of fixing the defect.

what is bug life cycle?

The bug life cycle, also known as the defect life cycle, is the process that a bug or defect goes through from its identification to its resolution. The exact steps in the bug life cycle can vary depending on the organization and the software development process being used, but it generally includes the following steps:

  1. Identification: A bug is identified when it is found by a tester, developer, or user.

  2. Triaging: The bug is triaged to determine its priority and impact. This may involve assigning the bug to a specific developer or team for investigation and assigning a severity level to the bug.

  3. Investigation: The developer or team investigates the bug to determine its root cause and potential solutions.

  4. Fixing: A fix for the bug is implemented and tested.

  5. Verification: The fix is verified to ensure that it resolves the bug and does not introduce any new issues.

  6. Closure: Once the fix has been verified and the bug has been resolved, the bug is closed and the resolution is documented.

It is important to follow a consistent and thorough bug life cycle process to ensure that defects are identified and resolved efficiently and effectively.

Negative test cases for Gmail logout functionality:

  1. No Internet connection: Test that the logout button is not clickable or does not work if the device is not connected to the internet.

  2. Logout from multiple devices simultaneously: Test that if the user logs out from one device, it logs out from all other devices.

  3. Incorrect logout sequence: Test the logout functionality if the user clicks on the logout button before the page finishes loading.

  4. Logout button not found: Test if the logout button is missing or not accessible in certain pages or sections of the application.

  5. Logout while composing an email: Test if logging out while composing an email results in data loss or corruption.

These negative test cases can help to ensure that the Gmail logout functionality works as expected and provides a seamless experience to the users.

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