Automation QA Testing Course Content

how to maximize the window in Selenium WebDriver

We can maximize the window in Selenium in Two ways



How to set the position of the window 
Ans: setPosition(Point args);
driver.manage().window().setPosition(new Point(xcoordinate,y coordinatevalue));

How to resize the window/Set window size?
Ans: setSize(Dimension args);
driver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(height,width));

How can you get the window position?
Ans: getPosition(); returns Point object
Point p=driver.manage().window().getPosition();

x coordinate : p.getX() y coordinate value=p.getY();

How can you get the size of the widnow/browser?
Ans: getSize(); returns Dimension Object
Dimension d=driver.manage().window().getSize();
height value=d.getHeight();

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