Automation QA Testing Course Content

















1)Which of the following will prevent defects from reoccurring ?
Ans)3-Improving the process based on Root Cause Analysis will prevent defects from occurring in the future because the reason that caused them doesn't exist anymore.

Quality Assurance and Testing

When processes are carried out properly, the work products created by those processes are generally of higher quality, which contributes to defect prevention. In addition, the use of root cause analysis to detect and remove the causes of defects, along with the proper application of the findings of retrospective meetings to improve processes, are important for effective quality assurance.


According to Glossary:

"Root Cause": A source of a defect such that if it is removed, the occurrence of the defect type is decreased or removed.
"Root Cause Analysis": An analysis technique aimed at identifying the root causes of defects. By directing corrective measures at root causes, it is hoped that the likelihood of defect recurrence will be minimized.

2)Below is a list of problems that can be observed during testing or operation. Which is MOST likely a failure?

Ans)The product crashed when the user selected an option in a dialogbox: In most cases, causing the product or application to crash or freeze is considered as a failure.

 Errors, Defects, and Failures

A person can make an error (mistake), which can lead to the introduction of a defect (fault or bug) in the software code or in some other related work product. An error that leads to the introduction of a defect in one work product can trigger an error that leads to the introduction of a defect in a related work product.

For example, a requirements elicitation error can lead to a requirements defect, which then results in a programming error that leads to a defect in the code.

If a defect in the code is executed, this may cause a failure, but not necessarily in all circumstances. For example, some defects require very specific inputs or preconditions to trigger a failure, which may occur rarely or never.


According to Glossary:

"Failure": An event in which a component or system does not perform a required function within specified limits.

3)Which of the following statements are TRUE?

A.Software testing may be required to meet legal or contractual requirements

B.Software testing is mainly needed to improve the quality of the developer’s work

C.Rigorous testing and fixing of defects found can help reduce the risk of problems occurring in an operational environment

D.Rigorous testing is sometimes used to prove that all failures have been found



A.Testing may be required for legal or contractual requirements: This is considered as "Contractual or Regulatory Acceptance Testing".

B. Software testing is mainly needed to improve the quality of the developer’s work: This could be a goal of Software testing, but it is not a main goal of it. The main goal of Software Testing is to identify defects and failures in work products.

C.Fixing of defects helps reduce the risk of problems in operational environment: This is true because based on the early testing principle, finding defects early in the lifecycle prevents them from occurring in later stages.

D.Testing is used to prove that all failures have been found: This is totally wrong, it is impossible to prove that all failures have been found because exhaustive testing is impossible.


1.3.1 Testing shows presence of defects, not their absence:

Testing can show that defects are present, but cannot prove that there are no defects. Testing reduces the probability of undiscovered defects remaining in the software but, even if no defects are found, testing is not a proof of correctness.


2.2.4 Contractual or Regulatory Acceptance Testing:

Contractual acceptance testing is performed against a contract’s acceptance criteria for producing custom-developed software. Acceptance criteria should be defined when the parties agree to the contract. Contractual acceptance testing is often performed by users or by independent testers.

Regulatory acceptance testing is performed against any regulations that must be adhered to, such as government, legal, or safety regulations. Regulatory acceptance testing is often performed by users or by independent testers, sometimes with the results being witnessed or audited by regulatory agencies.

The main objective of contractual and regulatory acceptance testing is building confidence that contractual or regulatory compliance has been achieved.


According to Glossary:

"Regulatory Acceptance Testing": Acceptance testing conducted to verify whether a system conforms to relevant laws, policies and regulations.

"Contractual Acceptance Testing": Acceptance testing conducted to verify whether a system satisfies its contractual requirements.

4)Why is it important to avoid the pesticide paradox ?


One of the seven principles of software testing is "Beware of the pesticide paradox" which states the following:

If the same tests are repeated over and over again, eventually these tests no longer find any new defects.

To detect new defects, existing tests and test data may need changing, and new tests may need to be written. (Tests are no longer effective at finding defects, just as pesticides are no longer effective at killing insects after a while.) In some cases, such as automated regression testing, the pesticide paradox has a beneficial outcome, which is the relatively low number of regression defects.


According to Glossary:

"Dynamic Testing": Testing that involves the execution of the software of a component or system.

"Static Testing": Testing a work product without code being executed.


5)Which of the following is a true statement about exhaustive testing ?


One of the seven principles of software testing is "Exhaustive testing is impossible" which states the following:

Testing everything (all combinations of inputs and preconditions) is not feasible except for trivial cases.

Rather than attempting to test exhaustively, risk analysis, test techniques, and priorities should be used to

focus test efforts.


According to Glossary:

"Stress Testing": A type of performance testing conducted to evaluate a system or component at or beyond the limits of its anticipated or specified workloads, or with reduced availability of resources such as access to memory or servers.

"Test Automation": The use of software to perform or support test activities, e.g., test management, test design, test execution and results checking.

"Unit Testing/Component Testing/Module Testing": The testing of individual hardware or software components.


6)Which of the following statements best describes one of the seven key principles of software testing ?


1-"Automated Testing avoids exhaustive testing", this is a fancy answer, because exhaustive testing is not something that we want to avoid.

2-"Exhaustive Testing with effort and tool support is feasible", this can't be done because there is always an infinite number of scenarios in any type of software which can't be covered even with tools or effort.

3-"Exhaustive testing is normally impossible", this is true

4-"Purpose of testing is to demonstrate the absence of defects", according to the principle "Testing shows the presence of defects, not their absence", testing reduces the probability of undiscovered defects remaining in the software but, even if no defects are found, testing is not a proof of correctness.


One of the seven principles of software testing is "Exhaustive testing is impossible" which states the following:

Testing everything (all combinations of inputs and preconditions) is not feasible except for trivial cases.

Rather than attempting to test exhaustively, risk analysis, test techniques, and priorities should be used to

focus test efforts.


According to Glossary:

"Test Automation": The use of software to perform or support test activities, e.g., test management, test design, test execution and results checking.


Question 7: 

A test team consistently finds between 95% and 97% of the defect present in the system under test. While the test leader understands that this is a good defect detection percentage for her test team and industry, senior management and executives remain disappointed in the test group saying that the test team misses too many bugs. Given that the users are generally happy with the system and that the failures which have occurred have generally been low impact, which of the following testing principles is most likely to help the test leader explain to these managers and executives why some defects are likely to be missed.



In our situation we have three points of view:

1-Test Leader who is happy with the defect detection percentage

2-Senior management & executives who are disappointed with the defect detection percentage

3-Users who are happy with the system

Depending on these three points of views we can conclude the following:

1-The SUT [System Under Test] has a good level of quality

2-Senior management & executives have a lack of understanding of one of the seven testing principles, & this principle has is related to the idea that we can't find 100% of defects.

Therefore we understand that the principle which can help the test leader to explain why defects escaped detection is "Exhaustive Testing is Impossible".


One of the seven principles of software testing is "Exhaustive testing is impossible" which states the following:

Testing everything (all combinations of inputs and preconditions) is not feasible except for trivial cases.

Rather than attempting to test exhaustively, risk analysis, test techniques, and priorities should be used to

focus test efforts.


According to the syllabus:

"Pesticide Paradox":If the same tests are repeated over and over again, eventually these tests no longer find any new defects.

To detect new defects, existing tests and test data may need changing, and new tests may need to be written.

"Defect Clustering": A small number of modules usually contains most of the defects discovered during pre-release testing, or

is responsible for most of the operational failures.

"Absence of error fallacy": it is a fallacy (i.e., a mistaken belief) to expect that just finding and fixing a large number of defects will ensure the success of a system.

Question 8: Correct

A programmer is working on code which is very complex. Which of the following is a general testing principle that may affect his work ?



In this scenario, the developer is working on a complex code, so in order for him to test the code efficiently & quickly he must focus his effort on the modules with the highest amount of risk. To determine these modules, Defect Clustering is the best principle.


One of the seven principles of software testing is "Defects Cluster Together" which states the following:

A small number of modules usually contains most of the defects discovered during pre-release testing, or is responsible for most of the operational failures. Predicted defect clusters, and the actual observed defect clusters in test or operation, are an important input into a risk analysis used to focus the test effort.


According to the syllabus:

"Pesticide Paradox":If the same tests are repeated over and over again, eventually these tests no longer find any new defects.

To detect new defects, existing tests and test data may need changing, and new tests may need to be written.

"Exhaustive Testing is Impossible": Testing everything (all combinations of inputs and preconditions) is not feasible except for trivial cases.

"Absence of error fallacy": it is a fallacy (i.e., a mistaken belief) to expect that just finding and fixing a large number of defects will ensure the success of a system.

Question 9: Correct

According to the ISTQB Glossary, the word “bug” is synonymous with which of the following ?



1.2.3 Errors, Defects, and Failures

A person can make an error (mistake), which can lead to the introduction of a defect (fault or bug) in the software code or in some other related work product.

If a defect in the code is executed, this may cause a failure, but not necessarily in all circumstances. For example, some defects require very specific inputs or preconditions to trigger a failure, which may occur rarely or never.


Error = Mistake

Defect = Fault = Bug


According to Glossary:

"Defect": An imperfection or deficiency in a work product where it does not meet its requirements or specifications.

"Error":  A human action that produces an incorrect result.

"Failure": An event in which a component or system does not perform a required function within specified limits.


Question 10: 

Which characteristic must a tester possess in order to be successful when working with a project team?



1.5.1 Human Psychology & Testing

Some people may perceive testing as a destructive activity, even though it contributes greatly to project progress and product quality. To try to reduce these perceptions, information about defects and failures should be communicated in a constructive way. This way, tensions between the testers and the analysts, product owners, designers, and developers can be reduced. This applies during both static and dynamic testing.

Testers and test managers need to have good interpersonal skills to be able to communicate effectively about defects, failures, test results, test progress, and risks, and to build positive relationships with colleagues.

Question 11: 

As a tester, which of the following is a key to effectively communicate and maintain positive relationships with developers when there is disagreement over the prioritization of a defect? 



1.5.1 Human Psychology & Testing

Testers and test managers need to have good interpersonal skills to be able to communicate effectively about defects, failures, test results, test progress, and risks, and to build positive relationships with colleagues. Ways to communicate well include the following examples:

-Start with collaboration rather than battles. Remind everyone of the common goal of better quality


-Emphasize the benefits of testing. For example, for the authors, defect information can help them improve their work products and their skills. For the organization, defects found and fixed during testing will save time and money and reduce overall risk to product quality.

-Communicate test results and other findings in a neutral, fact-focused way without criticizing the person who created the defective item. Write objective and factual defect reports and review findings.

-Try to understand how the other person feels and the reasons they may react negatively to the


-Confirm that the other person has understood what has been said and vice versa.


Question 12: 

Which of the following, if observed in reviews and tests, would lead to problems (or conflict) within teams?



1.5.1 Human Psychology & Testing

Identifying defects during a static test such as a requirements review or user story refinement session, or identifying failures during dynamic test execution, may be perceived as criticism of the product and of its author. An element of human psychology called confirmation bias can make it difficult to accept information that disagrees with currently held beliefs. For example, since developers expect their code to be correct, they have a confirmation bias that makes it difficult to accept that the code is incorrect. In addition to confirmation bias, other cognitive biases may make it difficult for people to understand or accept information produced by testing. Further, it is a common human trait to blame the bearer of bad news, and information produced by testing often contains bad news.


Question 13: 

•Which of the following are aids to good communication and which hinder it ?

I.Try to understand how the other person feels

II.Communicate personal feelings, concentrating upon individuals

III.Confirm the other person has understood what you have said and vice versa

IV.Emphasize the common goal of better quality

V.Each discussion is a battle to be won

I, III, and IV aid V Hinder


I.Try to understand how the other person feels

According to Syllabus:

Ways to communicate well include: "Try to understand how the other person feels and the reasons they may react negatively to the information"

II.Communicate personal feelings, concentrating upon individuals

According to Syllabus:

Ways to communicate well include: "Communicate test results and other findings in a neutral, fact-focused way without criticizing the person who created the defective item. Write objective and factual defect reports and review findings."

III.Confirm the other person has understood what you have said and vice versa

According to Syllabus:

Ways to communicate well include: "Confirm that the other person has understood what has been said and vice versa"

IV.Emphasize the common goal of better quality

According to Syllabus:

Ways to communicate well include: "Start with collaboration rather than battles. Remind everyone of the common goal of better quality systems"

V.Each discussion is a battle to be won

According to Syllabus:

Ways to communicate well include: "Start with collaboration rather than battles. Remind everyone of the common goal of better quality systems"


Question 14: Correct

Designing and prioritizing test cases occurs during which activity in the fundamental test process?



According to Syllabus:

Test Design:

During test design, the test conditions are elaborated into high-level test cases, sets of high-level test cases, and other testware. So, test analysis answers the question “what to test?” while test design answers the question “how to test?”

Test design includes the following major activities:

-Designing and prioritizing test cases and sets of test cases

-Identifying necessary test data to support test conditions and test cases

-Designing the test environment and identifying any required infrastructure and tools

-Capturing bi-directional traceability between the test basis, test conditions, test cases, and test


The elaboration of test conditions into test cases and sets of test cases during test design often involves using test techniques.

As with test analysis, test design may also result in the identification of similar types of defects in the test basis. Also as with test analysis, the identification of defects during test design is an important potential benefit.


According to Glossary:

High-level Test Case: A test case without concrete values for input data and expected results.

Low-Level Test Case: A test case with concrete values for input data and expected results.

Test Process: The set of interrelated activities comprising of test planning, test monitoring and control, test analysis, test design, test implementation, test execution, and test completion.

Question 15: Incorrect

Defining and prioritizing test conditions and considering functional & non-functional characteristics occurs during which activity in the fundamental test process?



According to Syllabus:

Test Analysis:

During test analysis, the test basis is analyzed to identify testable features and define associated test conditions. In other words, test analysis determines “what to test” in terms of measurable coverage criteria.

Test analysis includes the following major activities:

(1) Analyzing the test basis appropriate to the test level being considered, for example:

o Requirement specifications, such as business requirements, functional requirements, system requirements, user stories, epics, use cases, or similar work products that specify desired functional and non-functional component or system behavior

o Design and implementation information, such as system or software architecture diagrams or documents, design specifications, call flows, modelling diagrams (e.g., UML or entity-relationship diagrams), interface specifications, or similar work products that specify component or system structure

o The implementation of the component or system itself, including code, database metadata and queries, and interfaces

o Risk analysis reports, which may consider functional, non-functional, and structural aspects of the component or system

(2) Evaluating the test basis and test items to identify defects of various types, such as:

o Ambiguities

o Omissions

o Inconsistencies

o Inaccuracies

o Contradictions

o Superfluous statements

(3) Identifying features and sets of features to be tested

(4) Defining and prioritizing test conditions for each feature based on analysis of the test basis, and considering functional, non-functional, and structural characteristics, other business and technical factors, and levels of risks

(5) Capturing bi-directional traceability between each element of the test basis and the associated test conditions


According to Glossary:

Test Analysis: The activity that identifies test conditions by analyzing the test basis.

Test Process: The set of interrelated activities comprising of test planning, test monitoring and control, test analysis, test design, test implementation, test execution, and test completion.


Question 16: 

Checking whether all defect reports are closed occurs during which activity in the fundamental test process?



According to Syllabus:

Test Completion:

Test completion activities collect data from completed test activities to consolidate experience, testware, and any other relevant information. Test completion activities occur at project milestones such as when a software system is released, a test project is completed (or cancelled), an Agile project iteration is finished (e.g., as part of a retrospective meeting), a test level is completed, or a maintenance release has been completed.

Test completion includes the following major activities:

(1) Checking whether all defect reports are closed, entering change requests or product backlog items for any defects that remain unresolved at the end of test execution

(2) Creating a test summary report to be communicated to stakeholders

(3) Finalizing and archiving the test environment, the test data, the test infrastructure, and other testware for later reuse

(4) Handing over the testware to the maintenance teams, other project teams, and/or other stakeholders who could benefit from its use

(5) Analyzing lessons learned from the completed test activities to determine changes needed for future iterations, releases, and projects

(6) Using the information gathered to improve test process maturity


According to Glossary:

Test Completion: The activity that makes test assets available for later use, leaves test environments in a satisfactory condition and communicates the results of testing to relevant stakeholders.

Test Process: The set of interrelated activities comprising of test planning, test monitoring and control, test analysis, test design, test implementation, test execution, and test completion.

Defect Report: Documentation of the occurrence, nature, and status of a defect.

Question 17: Correct

Comparing actual results with expected results occurs during which activity in the fundamental test process?



According to Syllabus:

Test Execution:

During test execution, test suites are run in accordance with the test execution schedule.

Test execution includes the following major activities:

-Recording the IDs and versions of the test item(s) or test object, test tool(s), and testware

-Executing tests either manually or by using test execution tools

-Comparing actual results with expected results

-Analyzing anomalies to establish their likely causes (e.g., failures may occur due to defects in the code, but false positives also may occur

-Reporting defects based on the failures observed

-Logging the outcome of test execution (e.g., pass, fail, blocked)

-Repeating test activities either as a result of action taken for an anomaly, or as part of the planned testing (e.g., execution of a corrected test, confirmation testing, and/or regression testing)

-Verifying and updating bi-directional traceability between the test basis, test conditions, test cases, test procedures, and test results.


According to Glossary:

Test Execution: The process of running a test on the component or system under test, producing actual result(s).

Actual Result: The behavior produced/observed when a component or system is tested.

Expected Result: The predicted observable behavior of a component or system executing under specified conditions, based on its specification or another source.

Test Process: The set of interrelated activities comprising of test planning, test monitoring and control, test analysis, test design, test implementation, test execution, and test completion.


Question 18: 

Developing and prioritizing test procedures occurs during which activity in the fundamental test process?



According to Syllabus:

Test Implementation:

During test implementation, the testware necessary for test execution is created and/or completed, including sequencing the test cases into test procedures. So, test design answers the question “how to test?” while test implementation answers the question “do we now have everything in place to run the tests?”

Test implementation includes the following major activities:

(1) Developing and prioritizing test procedures, and, potentially, creating automated test scripts

(2) Creating test suites from the test procedures and (if any) automated test scripts

(3) Arranging the test suites within a test execution schedule in a way that results in efficient test execution

(4) Building the test environment (including, potentially, test harnesses, service virtualization, simulators, and other infrastructure items) and verifying that everything needed has been set up correctly

(5) Preparing test data and ensuring it is properly loaded in the test environment

(6) Verifying and updating bi-directional traceability between the test basis, test conditions, test cases, test procedures, and test suites


According to Glossary:

Test Implementation: The activity that prepares the testware needed for test execution based on test analysis and design.

Test Process: The set of interrelated activities comprising of test planning, test monitoring and control, test analysis, test design, test implementation, test execution, and test completion.


Question 19: 

Checking test results and test logs against specified coverage criteria occurs during which activity in the fundamental test process?



According to Syllabus:

Test Monitoring & Control:

Test monitoring involves the on-going comparison of actual progress against the test plan using any test monitoring metrics defined in the test plan. Test control involves taking actions necessary to meet the objectives of the test plan (which may be updated over time). Test monitoring and control are supported by the evaluation of exit criteria, which are referred to as the definition of done in some lifecycles . For example, the evaluation of exit criteria for test execution as part of a given test level may include:

(1) Checking test results and logs against specified coverage criteria

(2) Assessing the level of component or system quality based on test results and logs

(3) Determining if more tests are needed (e.g., if tests originally intended to achieve a certain level of product risk coverage failed to do so, requiring additional tests to be written and executed)

Test progress against the plan is communicated to stakeholders in test progress reports, including deviations from the plan and information to support any decision to stop testing.


According to Glossary:

Test Monitoring: A test management activity that involves checking the status of testing activities, identifying any variances from the planned or expected status, and reporting status to stakeholders.

Test Control: A test management task that deals with developing and applying a set of corrective actions to get a test project on track when monitoring shows a deviation from what was planned.

Test Process: The set of interrelated activities comprising of test planning, test monitoring and control, test analysis, test design, test implementation, test execution, and test completion


Question 20: 

Test conditions are considered as which type of test work products ?



According to Syllabus:

Test Analysis Work Products:

Test analysis work products include defined and prioritized test conditions, each of which is ideally bidirectionally traceable to the specific element(s) of the test basis it covers. For exploratory testing, test analysis may involve the creation of test charters. Test analysis may also result in the discovery and reporting of defects in the test basis.


Question 21: Correct

Test plans are considered as which type of test work products ?



According to Syllabus:

Test Planning work products:

Test planning work products typically include one or more test plans. The test plan includes information about the test basis, to which the other test work products will be related via traceability information , as well as exit criteria (or definition of done) which will be used during test monitoring and control.


Question 22: 

Test suites are considered as which type of test work products ?



According to Syllabus:

Test Implementation Work Products:

Test implementation work products include:

(1) Test procedures and the sequencing of those test procedures

(2) Test suites

(3) A test execution schedule

Ideally, once test implementation is complete, achievement of coverage criteria established in the test plan can be demonstrated via bi-directional traceability between test procedures and specific elements of the test basis, through the test cases and test conditions.

In some cases, test implementation involves creating work products using or used by tools, such as service virtualization and automated test scripts.

Test implementation also may result in the creation and verification of test data and the test environment. The completeness of the documentation of the data and/or environment verification results may vary significantly.

The test data serve to assign concrete values to the inputs and expected results of test cases. Such concrete values, together with explicit directions about the use of the concrete values, turn high-level test cases into executable low-level test cases. The same high-level test case may use different test data when executed on different releases of the test object. The concrete expected results which are associated with concrete test data are identified by using a test oracle.

In exploratory testing, some test design and implementation work products may be created during test execution, though the extent to which exploratory tests (and their traceability to specific elements of the test basis) are documented may vary significantly.

Test conditions defined in test analysis may be further refined in test implementation.

Question 23: Correct

Test progress reports are considered as which type of test work products ?



According to Syllabus:

Test Monitoring & Control work products:

Test monitoring and control work products typically include various types of test reports, including test progress reports (produced on an ongoing and/or a regular basis) and test summary reports (produced at various completion milestones). All test reports should provide audience-relevant details about the test progress as of the date of the report, including summarizing the test execution results once those become available.

Test monitoring and control work products should also address project management concerns, such as task completion, resource allocation and usage, and effort.


Question 24: Correct

Test cases are considered as which type of test work products ?



According to Syllabus:

Test Design Work Products:

Test design results in test cases and sets of test cases to exercise the test conditions defined in test analysis. It is often a good practice to design high-level test cases, without concrete values for input data and expected results. Such high-level test cases are reusable across multiple test cycles with different concrete data, while still adequately documenting the scope of the test case. Ideally, each test case is bidirectionally traceable to the test condition(s) it covers.

Test design also results in the design and/or identification of the necessary test data, the design of the test environment, and the identification of infrastructure and tools, though the extent to which these results are documented varies significantly.

Test conditions defined in test analysis may be further refined in test design.


Question 25: 

Defect reports are considered as which type of test work products ?



According to Syllabus:
Test Execution Work Products:

Test execution work products include:

(1) Documentation of the status of individual test cases or test procedures (e.g., ready to run, pass, fail, blocked, deliberately skipped, etc.)

(2) Defect reports

(3) Documentation about which test item(s), test object(s), test tools, and testware were involved in the testing

Ideally, once test execution is complete, the status of each element of the test basis can be determined and reported via bi-directional traceability with the associated the test procedure(s). For example, we can say which requirements have passed all planned tests, which requirements have failed tests and/or have defects associated with them, and which requirements have planned tests still waiting to be run. This enables verification that the coverage criteria have been met, and enables the reporting of test results in terms that are understandable to stakeholders.


Question 26: Correct

Test summary reports are considered as which type of test work products ?



According to Syllabus:
Test Completion Work Products:

Test completion work products include test summary reports, action items for improvement of subsequent projects or iterations (e.g., following a project Agile retrospective), change requests or product backlog items, and finalized testware.

Question 27: Correct

Which of the following is considered as a type of validation ?



According to Syllabus:
validation is checking whether the system will meet user and other stakeholder needs in its operational environment(s).

Checking user stories, Component tests, & reported defects are considered as verification activities.


Question 28: 

For which test level may this objective be relevant ?

"Increase code coverage of modules"



According to Syllabus:

1.1.1 Typical Objectives of Testing
During component testing, one objective may be to find as many failures as possible so that the underlying defects are identified and fixed early. Another objective may be to increase code coverage of the component tests.


According to Glossary:

Component Testing [Synonyms: module testing, unit testing]: The testing of individual hardware or software components.

Component Integration Testing [Synonyms: Link Testing]: Testing performed to expose defects in the interfaces and interactions between integrated components.

Integration Testing: Testing performed to expose defects in the interfaces and in the interactions between integrated components or systems.

System Testing: Testing an integrated system to verify that it meets specified requirements.

System Integration Testing: Testing the combination and interaction of systems.

Acceptance Testing: Formal testing with respect to user needs, requirements, and business processes conducted to determine whether or not a system satisfies the acceptance criteria and to enable the user, customers or other authorized entity to determine whether or not to accept the system

Question 29: Correct

For which test level may this objective be relevant ?

"Give information to stakeholders about the risk of releasing the system at a given time"



According to Syllabus:

1.1.1 Typical Objectives of Testing
During acceptance testing, one objective may be to confirm that the system works as expected and satisfies requirements. Another objective of this testing may be to give information to stakeholders about the risk of releasing the system at a given time.


According to Glossary:

Component Testing [Synonyms: module testing, unit testing]: The testing of individual hardware or software components.

Component Integration Testing [Synonyms: Link Testing]: Testing performed to expose defects in the interfaces and interactions between integrated components.

Integration Testing: Testing performed to expose defects in the interfaces and in the interactions between integrated components or systems.

System Testing: Testing an integrated system to verify that it meets specified requirements.

System Integration Testing: Testing the combination and interaction of systems.

Acceptance Testing: Formal testing with respect to user needs, requirements, and business processes conducted to determine whether or not a system satisfies the acceptance criteria and to enable the user, customers or other authorized entity to determine whether or not to accept the system.

Functional Testing: Testing conducted to evaluate the compliance of a component or system with functional requirements.


Question 30: 

In which Development model may the testers be involved in debugging and component testing ?



According to Syllabus:

Testing & Debugging:

Testing and debugging are different. Executing tests can show failures that are caused by defects in the software. Debugging is the development activity that finds, analyzes, and fixes such defects. Subsequent confirmation testing checks whether the fixes resolved the defects. In some cases, testers are responsible for the initial test and the final confirmation test, while developers do the debugging and associated component testing. However, in Agile development and in some other lifecycles, testers may be involved in debugging and component testing.


According to Glossary:

Iterative Development Model:

A development lifecycle where a project is broken into a usually large number of iterations. An iteration is a complete development loop resulting in a release (internal or external) of an executable product, a subset of the final product under development, which grows from iteration to iteration to become the final product.

Sequential Development Model:

A type of development lifecycle model in which a complete system is developed in a linear way of several discrete and successive phases with no overlap between them.


A sequential development lifecycle model describing a one-for-one relationship between major phases of software development from business requirements specification to delivery, and corresponding test levels from acceptance testing to component testing.


Question 31: 

Which objective may be obtained by having testers involved in requirements reviews or user story refinement ?



According to Syllabus:
Testing's Contributions to Success:

Throughout the history of computing, it is quite common for software and systems to be delivered into operation and, due to the presence of defects, to subsequently cause failures or otherwise not meet the stakeholders’ needs. However, using appropriate test techniques can reduce the frequency of such problematic deliveries, when those techniques are applied with the appropriate level of test expertise, in the appropriate test levels, and at the appropriate points in the software development lifecycle. Examples include:

-Having testers involved in requirements reviews or user story refinement could detect defects in these work products. The identification and removal of requirements defects reduces the risk of incorrect or untestable functionality being developed.

-Having testers work closely with system designers while the system is being designed can increase each party’s understanding of the design and how to test it. This increased understanding can reduce the risk of fundamental design defects and enable tests to be identified at an early stage.

-Having testers work closely with developers while the code is under development can increase each party’s understanding of the code and how to test it. This increased understanding can reduce the risk of defects within the code and the tests.

-Having testers verify and validate the software prior to release can detect failures that might otherwise have been missed, and support the process of removing the defects that caused the failures (i.e., debugging). This increases the likelihood that the software meets stakeholder needs and satisfies requirements.


Question 32: Correct

Which objective may be obtained by having testers verify and validate the software prior to release ?



According to Syllabus:
Testing's Contributions to Success:

Throughout the history of computing, it is quite common for software and systems to be delivered into operation and, due to the presence of defects, to subsequently cause failures or otherwise not meet the stakeholders’ needs. However, using appropriate test techniques can reduce the frequency of such problematic deliveries, when those techniques are applied with the appropriate level of test expertise, in the appropriate test levels, and at the appropriate points in the software development lifecycle. Examples include:

-Having testers involved in requirements reviews or user story refinement could detect defects in these work products. The identification and removal of requirements defects reduces the risk of incorrect or untestable functionality being developed.

-Having testers work closely with system designers while the system is being designed can increase each party’s understanding of the design and how to test it. This increased understanding can reduce the risk of fundamental design defects and enable tests to be identified at an early stage.

-Having testers work closely with developers while the code is under development can increase each party’s understanding of the code and how to test it. This increased understanding can reduce the risk of defects within the code and the tests.

-Having testers verify and validate the software prior to release can detect failures that might otherwise have been missed, and support the process of removing the defects that caused the failures (i.e., debugging). This increases the likelihood that the software meets stakeholder needs and satisfies requirements.

Question 33: correct

Which objective may be obtained by having testers work closely with developers while the code is under development ?



According to Syllabus:
Testing's Contributions to Success:

Throughout the history of computing, it is quite common for software and systems to be delivered into operation and, due to the presence of defects, to subsequently cause failures or otherwise not meet the stakeholders’ needs. However, using appropriate test techniques can reduce the frequency of such problematic deliveries, when those techniques are applied with the appropriate level of test expertise, in the appropriate test levels, and at the appropriate points in the software development lifecycle. Examples include:

-Having testers involved in requirements reviews or user story refinement could detect defects in these work products. The identification and removal of requirements defects reduces the risk of incorrect or untestable functionality being developed.

-Having testers work closely with system designers while the system is being designed can increase each party’s understanding of the design and how to test it. This increased understanding can reduce the risk of fundamental design defects and enable tests to be identified at an early stage.

-Having testers work closely with developers while the code is under development can increase each party’s understanding of the code and how to test it. This increased understanding can reduce the risk of defects within the code and the tests.

-Having testers verify and validate the software prior to release can detect failures that might otherwise have been missed, and support the process of removing the defects that caused the failures (i.e., debugging). This increases the likelihood that the software meets stakeholder needs and satisfies requirements.


Question 34: Correct

Which objective may be obtained by having testers work closely with system designers while the system is being designed ?



According to Syllabus:
Testing's Contributions to Success:

Throughout the history of computing, it is quite common for software and systems to be delivered into operation and, due to the presence of defects, to subsequently cause failures or otherwise not meet the stakeholders’ needs. However, using appropriate test techniques can reduce the frequency of such problematic deliveries, when those techniques are applied with the appropriate level of test expertise, in the appropriate test levels, and at the appropriate points in the software development lifecycle. Examples include:

-Having testers involved in requirements reviews or user story refinement could detect defects in these work products. The identification and removal of requirements defects reduces the risk of incorrect or untestable functionality being developed.

-Having testers work closely with system designers while the system is being designed can increase each party’s understanding of the design and how to test it. This increased understanding can reduce the risk of fundamental design defects and enable tests to be identified at an early stage.

-Having testers work closely with developers while the code is under development can increase each party’s understanding of the code and how to test it. This increased understanding can reduce the risk of defects within the code and the tests.

-Having testers verify and validate the software prior to release can detect failures that might otherwise have been missed, and support the process of removing the defects that caused the failures (i.e., debugging). This increases the likelihood that the software meets stakeholder needs and satisfies requirements.


Question 35: Correct

Which of the following is a correct relationship between quality control, quality assurance, and quality management ?



According to Syllabus:
Quality Assurance & Testing:

While people often use the phrase quality assurance (or just QA) to refer to testing, quality assurance and testing are not the same, but they are related. A larger concept, quality management, ties them together.

Quality management includes all activities that direct and control an organization with regard to quality. Among other activities, quality management includes both quality assurance and quality control. Quality assurance is typically focused on adherence to proper processes, in order to provide confidence that the appropriate levels of quality will be achieved. When processes are carried out properly, the work products created by those processes are generally of higher quality, which contributes to defect prevention. In addition, the use of root cause analysis to detect and remove the causes of defects, along with the proper application of the findings of retrospective meetings to improve processes, are important for effective quality assurance.

Quality control involves various activities, including test activities, that support the achievement of appropriate levels of quality. Test activities are part of the overall software development or maintenance process. Since quality assurance is concerned with the proper execution of the entire process, quality assurance supports proper testing.


According to Glossary:

Quality Assurance: Part of quality management focused on providing confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled.

Quality Control: The operational techniques and activities, part of quality management, that are focused on fulfilling quality requirements.

Quality Management: Coordinated activities to direct and control an organization with regard to quality. Direction and control with regard to quality generally includes the establishment of the quality policy and quality objectives, quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement.


Question 36: Correct

Which of the following is not a correct statement about software testing and quality assurance ?



-Software Testing & Quality Assurance are not the same: This is correct, while people often use the phrase quality assurance (or just QA) to refer to testing, quality assurance and testing are not the same, but they are related.

-Quality Assurance supports proper testing: this is correct, quality assurance is typically focused on adherence to proper processes, in order to provide confidence that the appropriate levels of quality will be achieved. When processes are carried out properly, the work products created by those processes are generally of higher quality, which contributes to defect prevention.

-Some people use the phrase quality assurance to refer to testing: people often use the phrase quality assurance to refer to testing, this is not correct but some people do it.

-There must be two different roles in any type of organization, quality assurance specialist and software tester: This is wrong, in many companies the same person works as a tester & a QA Specialist.


According to Syllabus:
Quality Assurance & Testing:

While people often use the phrase quality assurance (or just QA) to refer to testing, quality assurance and testing are not the same, but they are related. A larger concept, quality management, ties them together.

Quality management includes all activities that direct and control an organization with regard to quality. Among other activities, quality management includes both quality assurance and quality control. Quality assurance is typically focused on adherence to proper processes, in order to provide confidence that the appropriate levels of quality will be achieved. When processes are carried out properly, the work products created by those processes are generally of higher quality, which contributes to defect prevention. In addition, the use of root cause analysis to detect and remove the causes of defects, along with the proper application of the findings of retrospective meetings to improve processes, are important for effective quality assurance.

Quality control involves various activities, including test activities, that support the achievement of appropriate levels of quality. Test activities are part of the overall software development or maintenance process. Since quality assurance is concerned with the proper execution of the entire process, quality assurance supports proper testing.


According to Glossary:

Quality Assurance: Part of quality management focused on providing confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled.

Quality Control: The operational techniques and activities, part of quality management, that are focused on fulfilling quality requirements.

Quality Management: Coordinated activities to direct and control an organization with regard to quality. Direction and control with regard to quality generally includes the establishment of the quality policy and quality objectives, quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement.


Question 37: correct

A tester was executing a test case, the test data in the test case was pronounced incorrectly. The name of item that should be written in the search field should contain the value "Laptop", but the tester wrote the value "labtob" instead.

The actual result of the test case was a message saying "There is no results for the word (labtob), did you mean (laptop)"

The tester reported the defect and written the following description "When the user searches for laptops, an error message appears, a list of laptops should appear instead"

What is the problem with this situation?



In false positive, the tester finds a defect which is not a defect. For example, the tester was testing the software and the website didn't load because the internet connection is dropped, he reported it as a defect.

In false negative, there is a defect in the software but the tester didn't find it. For example, the tester executed all the test cases for the mobile app on portrait mode but there are undiscovered defects that don't appear unless he uses the app in landscape mode, he didn't report those defects.

In the example above, the tester wrote a defect report for something that works as it is intended to word, so this is considered as a false positive.


According to Syllabus:

Errors, Defects, and Failures:

Not all unexpected test results are failures. False positives may occur due to errors in the way tests were executed, or due to defects in the test data, the test environment, or other testware, or for other reasons.The inverse situation can also occur, where similar errors or defects lead to false negatives. False negatives are tests that do not detect defects that they should have detected; false positives are reported as defects, but aren’t actually defects.


Question 38: correct

Which of the following is the correct way of writing the user story ?



This is a very good explanation of the user story provided by examples[Source: Mountain Goat Software]:

User stories are short, simple descriptions of a feature told from the perspective of the person who desires the new capability, usually a user or customer of the system. They typically follow a simple template:

As a < type of user >, I want < some goal > so that < some reason >.

One of the benefits of agile user stories is that they can be written at varying levels of detail. We can write a user story to cover large amounts of functionality. These large user stories are generally known as epics. Here is an epic agile user story example from a desktop backup product:

As a user, I can backup my entire hard drive.

Because an epic is generally too large for an agile team to complete in one iteration, it is split into multiple smaller user stories before it is worked on. The epic above could be split into dozens (or possibly hundreds), including these two:

As a power user, I can specify files or folders to backup based on file size, date created and date modified.

As a user, I can indicate folders not to backup so that my backup drive isn't filled up with things I don't need saved.


According to Glossary:

User Story: A high-level user or business requirement commonly used in Agile software development, typically consisting of one sentence in the everyday or business language capturing what functionality a user needs and the reason behind this, any non-functional criteria, and also includes acceptance criteria.


Question 39: Correct

What is the definition of debugging ?


Checking that no unintended consequence have occurred as a result of a fix [Regression Testing]

Testing/checking whether the software performs correctly [Dynamic Testing]

Checking that a previously reported defect has been corrected [Confirmation Testing]


According to Syllabus:
Testing & Debugging:

Testing and debugging are different. Executing tests can show failures that are caused by defects in the software. Debugging is the development activity that finds, analyzes, and fixes such defects. Subsequent confirmation testing checks whether the fixes resolved the defects. In some cases, testers are responsible for the initial test and the final confirmation test, while developers do the debugging and associated component testing. However, in Agile development and in some other lifecycles, testers may be involved in debugging and component testing.


According to Glossary:

Debugging: The process of finding, analyzing and removing the causes of failures in software.


Question 40: Correct

Which of the following is an important objective of testing activities in the software development lifecycle ?



Exhaustive Testing: This is an impossible goal that can't be achieved (Seven Testing Principles)

Clustering Defects: This is a technique that is used to test the software properly

Debugging: This is the activity that is used to solve defects

Providing decision-making information: This is a goal that can be achieved by many activities like clustering defects or debugging


According to Syllabus:

Typical Objectives of Testing:

For any given project, the objectives of testing may include:

-To evaluate work products such as requirements, user stories, design, and code

-To verify whether all specified requirements have been fulfilled

-To validate whether the test object is complete and works as the users and other stakeholders expect

-To build confidence in the level of quality of the test object

-To prevent defects

-To find failures and defects

-To provide sufficient information to stakeholders to allow them to make informed decisions, especially regarding the level of quality of the test object

-To reduce the level of risk of inadequate software quality (e.g., previously undetected failures occurring in operation)

-To comply with contractual, legal, or regulatory requirements or standards, and/or to verify the test object’s compliance with such requirements or standards

The objectives of testing can vary, depending upon the context of the component or system being tested, the test level, and the software development lifecycle model.

Question 41: correct

When test cases are designed early in the lifecycle, verifying the test basis via the test design, which common test objective is being achieved ?



Designing test cases early and comparing them (test design) with the test basis (requirements) will help in detecting requirements defects only which will prevent them from escaping to development. In this case, we prevent defects from occurring in the software because they are detected early in the requirements stage before implementing them


Question 42: Correct

Which of the following is an example of debugging ?



A tester finds a defect and reports it: This is Dynamic Testing

A tester retests a fix from the developer and finds a regression: This is Confirmation testing

A developer finds and fixes a defect: Fixing the defect is debugging no matter who found the defect

A developer performs unit testing: This is unit testing ^_^


According to Syllabus:

Testing & Debugging:

Testing and debugging are different. Executing tests can show failures that are caused by defects in the software. Debugging is the development activity that finds, analyzes, and fixes such defects. Subsequent confirmation testing checks whether the fixes resolved the defects. In some cases, testers are responsible for the initial test and the final confirmation test, while developers do the debugging and associated component testing. However, in Agile development and in some other lifecycles, testers may be involved in debugging and component testing.


According to Glossary:

Debugging: The process of finding, analyzing and removing the causes of failures in software.


Question 43: correct

Which of the following is an example of a defect that causes harm?



The defect that causes harm is the defect which might result in injuries, health issues, or death.

-A usability defect that results in user dissatisfaction: This will not harm the user, it will make him dissastified

-A defect that causes slow response time when running reports: This will not harm the user unless these reports are used inside  a critical place like a hospital operations room

-A defect that causes raw sewage to be dumped into the ocean: This will harm users because polluting the ocean has a direct harm on humans' health

-A regression defect that causes the desktop window to display in green: This will not harm the user, it might annoy him if he doesn't love the green color


Question 44: Correct

Which of the following statements is the MOST valid goal for a test  team?



Determine whether enough component testing was executed: This is a valid testing goal but mostly for a developer or development team not a testing team.

Cause as many failures as possible so that faults can be identified and corrected: This is the main goal of a test team, cause failures so that developers fix them.

Prove that all faults are identified: This goal is not achievable because exhaustive testing is impossible.

Prove that any remaining faults will not cause any failures: This is not a main goal, the testing team should try to prove that faults will cause failures.


According to Syllabus:

Typical Objectives of Testing:

For any given project, the objectives of testing may include:

-To evaluate work products such as requirements, user stories, design, and code

-To verify whether all specified requirements have been fulfilled

-To validate whether the test object is complete and works as the users and other stakeholders expect

-To build confidence in the level of quality of the test object

-To prevent defects

-To find failures and defects

-To provide sufficient information to stakeholders to allow them to make informed decisions, especially regarding the level of quality of the test object

-To reduce the level of risk of inadequate software quality (e.g., previously undetected failures occurring in operation)

-To comply with contractual, legal, or regulatory requirements or standards, and/or to verify the test object’s compliance with such requirements or standards

The objectives of testing can vary, depending upon the context of the component or system being tested, the test level, and the software development lifecycle model.


Question 45: Correct

Which of the following statements BEST describes the difference between testing and debugging?



According to Syllabus:
Testing & Debugging:

Testing and debugging are different. Executing tests can show failures that are caused by defects in the software. Debugging is the development activity that finds, analyzes, and fixes such defects. Subsequent confirmation testing checks whether the fixes resolved the defects. In some cases, testers are responsible for the initial test and the final confirmation test, while developers do the debugging and associated component testing. However, in Agile development and in some other lifecycles, testers may be involved in debugging and component testing.


According to Glossary:

Debugging: The process of finding, analyzing and removing the causes of failures in software.

Dynamic Testing: Testing that involves the execution of the software of a component or system.


Question 46: correct

Recall the activity that removes the cause of a failure



According to Syllabus:

Testing & Debugging:

Testing and debugging are different. Executing tests can show failures that are caused by defects in the software. Debugging is the development activity that finds, analyzes, and fixes such defects. Subsequent confirmation testing checks whether the fixes resolved the defects. In some cases, testers are responsible for the initial test and the final confirmation test, while developers do the debugging and associated component testing. However, in Agile development and in some other lifecycles, testers may be involved in debugging and component testing.


According to Glossary:

Debugging: The process of finding, analyzing and removing the causes of failures in software.


Question 47: correct

Why is software testing sometimes required for legal reasons?



According to Syllabus:

Rigorous testing of components and systems, and their associated documentation, can help reduce the risk of failures occurring during operation. When defects are detected, and subsequently fixed, this contributes to the quality of the components or systems. In addition, software testing may also be required to meet contractual or legal requirements or industry-specific standards.


According to Glossary:

Contractual Acceptance Testing: Acceptance testing conducted to verify whether a system satisfied its contractual requirements.


Question 48: Correct

In what way does root cause analysis contribute to process improvement ?



According to Syllabus:

The root causes of defects are the earliest actions or conditions that contributed to creating the defects. Defects can be analyzed to identify their root causes, so as to reduce the occurrence of similar defects in the future. By focusing on the most significant root causes, root cause analysis can lead to process improvements that prevent a significant number of future defects from being introduced.

For example, suppose incorrect interest payments, due to a single line of incorrect code, result in customer complaints. The defective code was written for a user story which was ambiguous, due to the product owner’s misunderstanding of how to calculate interest. If a large percentage of defects exist in interest calculations, and these defects have their root cause in similar misunderstandings, the product owners could be trained in the topic of interest calculations to reduce such defects in the future.

In this example, the customer complaints are effects. The incorrect interest payments are failures. The improper calculation in the code is a defect, and it resulted from the original defect, the ambiguity in the user story. The root cause of the original defect was a lack of knowledge on the part of the product owner, which resulted in the product owner making an error while writing the user story.


According to Glossary:

Root Cause: A source of a defect such that if it is removed, the occurrence of the defect type is decreased or removed.

Root Cause Analysis: An analysis technique aimed at identifying the root causes of defects. By directing corrective measures of root causes, it is hoped that the likelihood of defect occurrence will be minimized.


Question 49: Correct

Which of the following is a correct statement ?

Ans)A Developer makes a mistake which causes a defect that may be seen as a failure during dynamic testing


Question 50: correct

An android application has a bug which results in incorrect interest payments, due to a single line of incorrect code. This bug results in customer complaints. When root cause analysis was performed, the root cause was identified as the lack of product owner understanding in the interest calculations. What solution could be used to reduce the likelihood of such bugs in the future ?

Ans)The Product Owner could be trained in the topic of interest calculations


Question 51: correct

An android application has a bug which results in incorrect interest payments, due to a single line of incorrect code. This bug results in customer complaints. When root cause analysis was performed, the root cause was identified as the lack of product owner understanding in the interest calculations. which of the following is considered as an "effect" ?

Ans)The Customer complaints
Question 52: Correct

An android application has a bug which results in incorrect interest payments, due to a single line of incorrect code. This bug results in customer complaints. When root cause analysis was performed, the root cause was identified as the lack of product owner understanding in the interest calculations. which of the following is considered as a "failure" ?

Ans)The incorrect interest payments


Question 53: Correct

An android application has a bug which results in incorrect interest payments, due to a single line of incorrect code. This bug results in customer complaints. When root cause analysis was performed, the root cause was identified as the lack of product owner understanding in the interest calculations. which of the following is considered as a "Defect" ?

Ans)The Improper calculation in the code


Question 54: Correct

A company recently purchased a commercial off-the-shelf application to automate their bill-paying process. They now plan to run an acceptance test against the package prior to putting it into production. Which of the following is their most likely reason for testing?

Ans)To build confidence in the application


Question 55: correct

Ensuring that test design starts during the requirements definition phase is important to enable which of the following test objectives?

Ans)Preventing defects in the system
Question 56: correct

Which of the following is most important to promote and maintain good relationships between testers and developers?



When you explain test results in a neutral fashion, this will reduce the chance that the developer feels you are criticizing him personally.
Question 57: correct

Which of the statements below is the best assessment of how the test principles apply across the test life cycle?

Ans)Test Principles affect activities throughout the test life cycle
Question 58: Correct

Which statement about testing is true?

Ans)Testing is started as early as possible


Question 59: correct

What is a test condition ?

Ans)Something that can be tested


Question 60: Correct

Which of the following could be a root cause of a defect in financial software in which an incorrect interest rate is calculated?

Ans)Insuffiecient trianing was given to the developers concerning compound interest calculation rules


Question 61:correct

System test execution on a project is planned for eight weeks. After a week of testing, a tester suggests that the test objective stated in the test plan of 'finding as many defects as possible during system test' might be more closely met by redirecting the test effort according to which test principle?


Defect clustering


The idea in defect clustering is that you divide the testing efforts between modules, giving more effort to the modules with the highest rates of bugs and less effort to the modules that don't contain a lot of bugs. That's what the tester did. He redirected his effort in order to meet the goals quickly


Question 62: correct

What is the test basis? 

Ans)The body of knowledge used for test analysis and design


The test basis is “a source to determine expected results to compare with the actual result of the system under test”.

Question 63: correct

A new retail product was released to production by your company. Shortly after the release it was apparent that there were numerous problems with the point of sale application. This resulted in a number of customer complaints and negative postings on social media encouraging people to take their business to your competitor. You have investigated the problems and have discovered that the production point of sale equipment is a later model than the model used in testing. The software functions correctly on the old version, but fails on the later model.

Given this scenario, what is the root cause and what is the effect? 

Ans)The root cause is conducting the testing on the wrong version of the equipment and the effect is the customer complaints and postings.


Question 64: Correct

If you need to provide a report showing test case execution coverage of the requirements, what do you need to track? 

Ans)Traceability between the testcase and requirements


Question 65: correct

Which two activities of the test process are often combined in many projects?

Ans)Test Design and Test implementation


If we talk from a practical perspective , in many projects the creation of test cases, test procedures & test suites happen simultaneously (at the same time). For example, the testers may create test cases and then add them to test suites, or they may create test suites and then add test cases to them .This situation happens in many test management tools like TestLink.


According to Syllabus:

Test design and test implementation tasks are often combined. In exploratory testing and other types of experience-based testing, test design and implementation may occur, and may be documented, as part of test execution.


According to Glossary:

Test Design: The activity of deriving and specifying test cases from test conditions.

Test Implementation: The activity that prepares the testware needed for test execution based on test analysis and design.

Test Process: The set of interrelated activities comprising of test planning, test monitoring and control, test analysis, test design, test implementation, test execution, and test completion.


Question 66: correct

Which of the following is considered as a test monitoring activity, and which is considered as a test control activity?

i. Delaying the release date because the UAT build is not ready yet

ii. Calculating the number of test cases executed during the last iteration

iii. Holding a retrospective meeting at the end of an iteration

iv. Changing the story points of a user story from 5 to 20 because a new risk has been identified

v. Looking at the burn-down chart and analyzing points where the team was off-track

Ans)ii,iii,v are monitoring activities while i,iv are controle activities


i. Delaying the release date because the UAT build is not ready yet

-This is a control activity because here we applied a corrective action to get a test project on track.

ii. Calculating the number of test cases executed during the last iteration

-This is a monitoring activity because here we are checking the status of testing activities.

iii. Holding a retrospective meeting at the end of an iteration

-This is a monitoring activity because here we are checking the status of testing activities. The retrospective meeting deals with testing & non-testing issues, but that doesn't mean that it is not a test monitoring activity.

iv. Changing the story points of a user story from 5 to 20 because a new risk has been identified

-This is a control activity because here we applied a corrective action to get a project on track. Changing the story points is mainly not the responsibility of the tester but if we consider it as a reviewing activity, it should be a control activity.

v. Looking at the burn-down chart and analyzing points where the team was off-track

-This is a monitoring activity because here we are checking the status of testing activities. The burn-down chart deals with testing & non-testing issues, but that doesn't mean that looking at it is not a test monitoring activity.


According to Glossary:

Test Monitoring: A test management activity that involves checking the status of testing activities, identifying any variances from the planned or expected status, and reporting status to stakeholders.

Test Control: A test management task that deals with developing and applying a set of corrective actions to get a test project on track when monitoring shows a deviation from what was planned.

Test Process: The set of interrelated activities comprising of test planning, test monitoring and control, test analysis, test design, test implementation, test execution, and test completion.

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