Automation QA Testing Course Content

Appium- Mobile Context

 Get Current Context:

Get the current context in which Appium is running

Retrieve the current context. This can be either NATIVE_APP for the native context, or a web view context, which will be:

  • iOS - WEBVIEW_<id>
  • Android - WEBVIEW_<package name>

For information on contexts, see Appium's hybrid automation docs.

String context = driver.getContext();

Get All Contexts:

Get all the contexts available to automate

Retrieve all the contexts available to be automated. This will include, at least, the native context. There can also be zero or more web view contexts. For information on the format of the context names, see the get context documentationmobile command mobile: getContexts is available on iOS (XCUITest) and Android (UIAutomator2 and Espresso) to get more detailed contexts. For information on contexts, see Appium's hybrid automation docs.

Set<String> contextNames = driver.getContextHandles();

Set Current Context:

Set the context being automated

Set the current context to that passed in. If this is moving into a web view context it will involve attempting to connect to that web view:

  • iOS - attempt to connect to the application through the remote debugger
  • Android - start a Chromedriver process and begin a session to connect to the web view

For information on contexts, see Appium's hybrid automation docs.

Set<String> contextNames = driver.getContextHandles();
// ...

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