Automation QA Testing Course Content

JAVA Selenium TestNG Maven Git API Testing BDD Cucumber Interview Questions

 Common test automation interview questions & topics one can expect for 5+ years experience





1. Types of polymorphism

2. Difference between override and overload

3. Methods that cannot be overloaded

4. Static block and instance block

5. Difference in Static and non static

6. Encapsulation and common use cases

7. Abstract vs interfaces

8. Inheritance in java

9. Methods that cannot be overloaded

10. Type casting in java

11. String buffer and string builder

12. Why string is immutable in java

13. How to handle exceptions

14. Can I write try catch without the catch block

15. Difference between throws and throw

16. Use of iterator in java

17. Difference in Final, finally and finalize 

18. Boxing and unboxing in java

19. Increment and decrement operation

20. Variable Args

21. This and super keyword in java

22. Issues during Swtich case without break

23. Upcasting and downcasting

24. Baseclass of all class in java

25. Baseclass of error and exceptions

26. Access specifiers

27. Continue and break statement

28. Can main method return any value

29. Can we overload main method. What happens when overloaded to execute and statement before main method

31. Difference between == and equals()

32. Can user declare constructor as final

33. Can we cast any other type to Boolean data with type casting.

34.does java compile if user use 'static public void' instead of 'public static void'

35.can we use this() and super() in a constructor

36. Can we create object of abstract class

37. Can we create reference for an abstract class

38. Can we declare a class as static

39. What is instanceOf keyword

40. What's the load factor of HashMap

41. How to prevent a class from being sub classes

42. Final variable, final method and final class

43. Ways to create a string variable.

44. What is gc() - garbage collector

45. Subclass and innerclass

46. Infinite loop in java

47. How to make copy of an element

48. Checked and unchecked exceptions


Java Collection


1. Classes inside List interface, Set interface, Map Interface

2. Arraylist vs Linkedlist

3. Arraylist vs array

4. Arraylist vs vector or stack

5. Which class of List Interface to be used if user have more insertions and deletions

6. Which class of List Interface to be used if user have more retrieval

7. Set Interface: HashSet, TreeSet, SortedSet

8. Map - HashMap, HashTable, TreeMap, LinkedHashMap.

9. Stack and Queue

10. How to maintain insertion order in Set, List and Map

11. How to sort elements in ascending order in Set and Map


Java Programs


1. String reverse

2. String Palindrome

3. String Anagram

4. Find occurrences of characters in a string

5. Find the count of Capital and Small letters in a string

6. Remove duplicate characters from string

7. Swap to numbers without temporary variable

8. Reverse number

9. factorial

10. Fibonacci

11. Count number, alphabet and special characters

12; Print the below format

input String str="My name is Ramesh ch";

you should print the output:

Ramesh ch name is My

13)Print occurrence of each character in given string and also remove duplicates and print the string

String str="aaaabcccpqvswweeee"





p=1 q=1v=1w=2 e=4 s=1

2)after removing duplicates output string


14)Write a program for method overloading and method overriding ?




1. Difference in driver.get() and driver.navigate().to()

2. Navigation methods in selenium

3. What is POM

4. Implicit wait 

5. Explicit wait- use of explicit wait, how to ignore exceptions using explicit wait

6. Fluent wait

7. Examples for expected conditions in explicit wait

8. Default timeout of pageLoadTimeout.

9. Use of desired capabilities

10. Use of chromeOptions, firefoxOptions ,ieOptions, etc.

11. How to disable notification in selenium.

12. Difference between getText() and getAttribute()

13. How to extract css property value

14. Difference between driver.close() and driver.quit()

15. How to handle dropdown elements with select tag and without select tag.

16. How to handle frames and windows

17. How to switch back to parent window.

18. How to perform page scroll in selenium

19. Use of Robot keys

20. Use of AutoIt

21. Use of Sikuli

22. How to perform File Upload

23. How to click or send value to an element without using and element.sendKeys()

24. Relative and absolute xpath

25. Explain few Xpath functions

26. How to login to site showing authentication popup in selenium

27. Mention few selenium exceptions

28. Difference between single slash and double slash.

29. What are the scenarios that cannot be automated using selenium.

30. How to perform right click on selenium

31. Action class and it's methods

32. Use of HtmlUnit driver

33. Can we create an object of the WebDriver() in selenium?

34. What is stale element exception and how to handle it.

35. Xpath and CSS selector




1. Annotations in testng

2. Difference between @BeforeTest and @BeforeMethod

3. Soft assert vs Hard Assert

4. How to pass parameters to test methods

5. Use of data provider

6. Use of invocationCount, enabled, priority, dependsOnMethod, dependsOnGroups, alwaysRun, dataProvider, groups, timeout, expectedExceptions, singleThreaded, etc

7. testNg xml structure

8. How to group testcases

9. Use of IRetryAnalyzer class

10. How to run failed testcases

11. How to perform parallel testing.

12. What level user can perform parallel testing

13. Use of ISuiteListener Methods

14. Use of TestListenerAdaptor methods

15. How to ignore packages and classes.

16. Can user provide negative value for setting priority.




1. Client/server Error Codes

2. Success codes


4. Difference between Put and Patch

5. Difference between Put and Post

6. How to handle authentication

7. Difference between webserver and API

8. Json/xml structure format 

9. How to validate json response

10. Use of JsonPath

11. How to construct json body for Put, Post, Patch request.

12. Use of JsonObject.

13. What's is URI

14. What's a resource

15. What are the common headers used.

16. Common content types




1. Use of common commands used:

       add, status, commit, push, pull, restore, checkout, clone

2. How to handle merge conflicts

3. How merge issues occur.




1. keywords used inside CucumberOptions

2. Difference between DryRun and Strict in cucumberOptions

3. And/OR operation in Tags

4. Annotations in Cucumber

5. Use of order function inside cucumber annotations

6. Use of background keyword

7. Keywords used in cucumber

8. How to perform singleline and multiline comment in cucumber

9. How data is passed in cucumber

10. Use of ScenarioOutline and example

11. What is dataTable

12. Can user provide multiple examples for one scenario outline


Hoping that the above mentioned topics and questions will helps you to clear your interviews.

All the best for your job hunt👍

Have a good day.

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