Automation QA Testing Course Content

Chrome Extensions which are useful while testing

 These website QA testing tools will each make some part of QA testing faster and more effective.

hashtagScreencastify : is a screen-recorder extension for chrome that you can use while testing. It allows capturing user behaviour on any web page as a video which you can share with developers as test evidence

hashtagClearCache : allows you to clear browser cache from the toolbar avoiding the longer route (Settings > Clear browsing data).

hashtagJSONView : If you are testing RESTful APIs, reading raw JSON data can be daunting (try it if you haven’t and you will understand what I mean!).

hashtagSpellChecker : Chrome extension does exactly what it says on the tin! It checks spellings for all words on a web page and suggests corrections for misspelt words.

hashtagCheckMyLinks : automates the process and saves you the trouble of having to do it manually. Each time you run it, it checks the full site and spits out a report showing all the broken links you need to update.

hashtagWAVEEvaluation: Accessibility is an important trend in web design that matters both from a moral perspective, and from a business perspective, since it improves the visitor experience for a notable portion of your audience.

hashtagBugMagnet:When you’re testing out forms on your website, there are a lot of different potential bugs or errors to consider.

hashtagSessionManager:As testing professionals, you would usually access the same set of websites/URLs every single day.

hashtagMindMup : Mind Maps are a great way to document your understanding of application flow

-You can download the Extensions from the Chrome Store.